Wednesday 7 June 2017

PDP Report

Final major project proposal:


Influenced by the Ancient Greek demi-god Perseus and his most acclaimed mythical quest to slay the Gorgon Medusa. This collection will exhibit the hero's story through six singular coloured outfits representing the crucial elements of the myth, using oversized athletic silhouettes.  incorporating relevant fabrication and treatments such as quilting, drawstrings and oversized cuts to give the effect of draping in a reimagined non-traditional style.

Aims and objectives:
-   Create and work to an independently written brief and schedule throughout the course of this project, managing time and organisation skills
-   Identify a target audience/market for my work using appropriate creative and market research
-   Extensive idea development, documentation, analysation and sampling – evidencing clear evaluative thinking and critical appraisal/analysing
-   Use of previous technical skills in fashion design, illustration, pattern cutting and garment construction
-   Evidence of analytical judgement in the selection of final design ideas
-   Recordation of costings and technical information for the production of work, i.e. fabric costs – expense sheet
-   Presentation of ideas to a professional standard in a portfolio using appropriate formats
-   Use technical processes creatively to produce professional outcomes
-   Achieve a professional standard of preparation and presentation in the exhibiting of my work – i.e. end of year exhibition planning
-   Self-assessment - analysis of personal management and progress during the module, i.e. critical appraisal

-   Use of primary research i.e. sketching, illustrating and mark making
-   Secondary research from resources such as books, the internet, previous collections of fashion designers and artists
-   Visiting of relevant exhibitions, shows and media (such as films) to collect research

Perseus’ quest along with many Greek hero’s, god’s and myths are documented through various medias such as literature, vases and pottery as well as artistic paintings – which I can find at the British museum, collecting research to create a visual story board and research map/s which will create a strong start to my project.

Using research of contemporary and historical sportswear from shops, books and the latest and past collections from fashion shows I will be able to collect of contemporary sportswear fabrics which I will incorporate within my garments.

Working methods:
-   Collection of 2d work in sketchbook i.e. primary research sketches, illustrations, designs
-   3d products – fabrication and technical samples, final outcomes
-   Construction abilities using the machines, i.e. industrial sewing machines, overlockers and coverstitch machine
-   Use of technical skills creating digital flats and professional portfolio utilising my previous technical abilities on Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator

Materials and processes:
I understand that to achieve my outcome I will need to create professional relationships with companies and contacts such as fabric suppliers and digital printing services.
-   Use of athletic/sports related fabrics such as lycra, jersey, airtex mesh, stretch mesh, jersey, neoprene, scuba, towelling, sweatshirt jersey etc.
-   Create a contact/suppliers file of agencies that I will be using i.e. Chrissane (lycra/dancewear specialist fabric suppliers), Kleins (trimmings, fastenings and tool suppliers), Maculloch and Wallis (technical fabric suppliers) – all which I believe will play an important part in my project aiding me to achieve my desired outcomes.

My womenswear sports-luxe, mythological collection will be designed for Autumn Winter 2018, desired from the age group of 18-30 year olds who have an interest in athleisure, avant-garde fashion.

References and Bibliography:
-   Atkinson M. (2012). How to create your final collection. Laurence King
-   Renfrew E. (2009). Developing a collection. ava
-   Chunman D. (2011). Pattern Cutting. Lawrence King
-   Nakamicihi T. (2011). Pattern Magic. Lawrence King
-   Wesen Brant, M . (2011). Fashion Drawing. Lawrence King
-   Szkutnicka B. (2010). Technical Drawing for Fashion. Lawrence King
-   Fischer A. (2009). Construction. ava
-   Swaddling, J. (2015) The Ancient Olympic Games, China; Toppan Leefung Printing Ltd.
-   Houston, M G. (2012) Ancient Greek, Roman and Byzantine Costume, New York: Dover Publications, Inc.
-   Ford, J. (2004) The Twelve Labours of Hercales, Brighton: The Salariya Book Company Ltd.
-   Lee, M M. (2015) Body, Dress and Identity in Ancient Greece, New York: The Cambridge University Press.
Future Planning:

Exhibiting my work:
-   Firstsite fashion show
o   By taking part with my peers from my class I helped plan, prepare, set up and attending the fashion show I was able to gather a brief insight to what the wellknown show events such as Fashion Week in the five cities would be ran and feel like

-   End of year degree show
o   In preparation for my end of year degree show I had designed ideas for a wall space to present my work, consisting of three garments, two hung from fishing wire and one dressed on a mannequin bust placed on a shelf attached to the wall. Above this would be my six final photographs from my photoshoot exhibiting my other garments and various skills utilised to create them. Having said this, the exhibition space ideas had changed and I was to have to make a compromise on my ideas and design for the perfect space. The overall design for the show is to hang our garments from fishing line all across a room, designed for members of the public to have the ability to walk through and around the garments up close and personal. Due to the large size of our class and volume of work it was evident that many of our collections would need to be refined down in order to fit at least a small piece of everyone’s work in. I critically selected four of my outfits which I deemed to be the most aesthetically pleasing alongside each other whilst showing off my skills and techniques in pattern cutting and constructing as a fashion designer. Our portfolios are to be situated along shelves across the room also presenting our professionally skilled work.

-   Social media
o   Social media is a wonderful way of getting yourself known and your work out in the world, particularly in the fashion industry in this day and age with our ever growing technology enabling us to share posts nationally. Social media platforms which I have utilised to share my work are: Instagram, Artsthread, Facebook and Twitter.
o   Instagram: is a wonderful platform which appeals to many artists and designers around the world let alone the fashion industry, this is due to the ability to share media such as photos, videos and gifs nationally. With editing features to create your own aesthetically pleasing style within your media and your profile to gain followers and potential contacts for your future career. Although many of my peers have created professional Instagram accounts alongside their personal accounts to publish their work appealing to their future career goals, I have decided against it. This is because I do not feel it would benefit my future career as I am not looking to be heavily involved in being within and creating work for the fashion industry itself.
o   Artsthead: allows the public to view and publish portfolios from fashion to graphic design students which is an excellent way of scouting potential employees and cuts out the time consuming process of interviewing many before viewing their portfolio and work which may not appeal to yourself. I have been utilising my artsthread account uploading my portfolios for others to view. Although previously I mentioned I currently have no desire to join the ever growing fashion industry it is ideal to get insight into others ideas and designs whilst receiving feedback for your own.
o   Facebook: through facebook I have been able to share events such as our firstsite fashion show and end of year show with my family and friends along with members of the public.

Future Career Direction:

My desired dream career would be to teach students in a high school, college or university level specializing in either art and design or fashion and textiles, in order to do this I would need to undertake a post graduate PGCE degree and complete with a minimum pass of 2:2. As excited as I am to start progressing to this level, there are things I would like to experience myself before settling into a full time job which would determine my future. I have been planning to travel across the world for many years as it is something I have wanted to do since I can remember, I believe this experience would be good for myself to gain a huge range of knowledge, inspiration and independency. However, if I was to pursue this dream I feel it would be better for myself and future career to start before I am comfortable and tied down to a full time job as the flexibility would be slim to none which is why I have made the independent decision to start my journey earlier rather than later. Funding my trip will require a fair sum of money which I currently do not possess. I currently work part time in a retail store where I undertake various tasks and responsibilities within the store, employees and customers. As previously been offered, I will be progressing in my job to a full time employee on a comfortable salary in order to pay minimal debts from university back, starting to place money aside for my travels as well as earning ends meet. This will mean taking on more responsibilities such as potentially becoming a key holder for my current store and potentially a higher status such as a supervisor. I am hoping to keep this status for a minimum of a year until I feel I have a sufficient amount of savings to complete my traveling experience which I am assuming will take between 6 months to a year and half. Once returning I will undertake the post graduate course in order to secure myself a placement in a high school, college or university to get a grasp of what I career I desire to have. I understand that degree courses are not always cheap and have looked into post graduate funding for PGCE degrees which are possible dependent on the teaching subject which I aim to research into.

One year plan:
-   Progress in my part time sales assistant job into a full time sales assistant with a higher salary and responsibility – i.e. becoming a key holder for the store
-   Paid a deposit on my travelling trip with my peer and friend Laura and begin to start saving money towards the trip and spending money with my full time work salary
-   Volunteer for occasional teaching work i.e. standing in on college/high school classes for insight into my future career

Three year plan:
-   Ideally have started my travels across the world with Laura or begin to start
-   Have applied to a post graduate course – PGCE degree which will enable me to teach students in the future
-   Have a job in a school or college prepared to run alongside my post grad degree
-   Save for/move out of my house into my own flat/house

Five year plan:
-   Have completed my post graduate PGCE degree with a minimum of a 2:2
-   Be in a steady full time job teaching art and design or fashion and textiles to a high school level or above
-   Be living comfortably in my own place
-   Potentially settling down and planning a future family

Reviewing my final year:

Now I am coming to the end of my second year I think I can successfully say that I have completed and applied my short term and medium term goals from last year to my work. Them being:

-   Successfully completing my third and final year
-   Understand the course requirements for the future
-   Expand my knowledge and skills
-   Keep an open mind on new experiences and projects
-   Develop and expand knowledge and skills
-   Challenge my learning abilities

My short term objectives for this year:
-   Continue successfully developing and understanding my own style of work, expanding my knowledge and skills with an open mind to new techniques
-   Stay motivated in my work 
-   Completion of my degree with the highest possible grade I can achieve

My medium term objectives for this year:
-   Continue to utilise Instagram, facebook and artsthread as a platform to share my ideas, inspiration and designs
-   Begin working full time in my current job to fund my future desires
-   Search for work placements and opportunities that I can use to my advantage in terms of my work and future career
-   Explore future career options i.e. teacher training or business courses

My long term objects remain almost the same as the previous year:
-   Successfully achieve a job roll within the education system
-   Plan for and have my own family

Saturday 3 June 2017

photoshoot images

Due to my brief's aims and adjectives, I really wanted to make a statement with my photoshoot pictures to compliment the outfits and the meanings behind them that tell the mythological story of Perseus.

Liquid Gold

Ocean Blue

Achromic White

Serpent Green

Stoned Grey

Terminus Black

Thursday 25 May 2017

FMP Presentation planning

As part of my Personal Development Planning module we are to prepare, design and conduct a presentation sharing the theme and body of our final major project. I began to make bullet points on what I wished to talk about and what I felt was relevant to, refining my ideas to create a successful presentation.

As I have mentioned in previous posts, I am not a confident public speaker and often dread taking part in presentations as it puts myself out of my comfort zone. Although saying this, I have noticed a massive difference in my confidence in public speaking since my first presentation in my first semester of my first year, where I would receive a 3rd, since then I have improved to higher grades due to my small boost in confidence.

I felt like I was prepared for my presentation and knew exactly what I wanted to say which made myself slightly at ease, I felt the presentation went fairly smoothly apart from my lack of confidence due to myself developing a virus the day or so before my presentation making me feel nauseous and groggy the whole day. I feel that if it wasn't for this my presentation would have been more lively and fun.