Tuesday 21 October 2014

My first few weeks at Uni in a extremely long blog post...

I started my first week at Colchester Institute the beginning of this month. I'm not going to lie, the transition of changing from no college all summer to a new, big and intimidating institute really panicked me. However after enrolling, getting used to the time tables, meeting the lecturers and students and starting basic tasks and techniques I found myself settling down quite nicely.

Here is my apron I designed and adapted which I will use for the future 3 years at university.

I wasn't overly keen on one of the task set for us which was rough observational drawings of objects which appealed to our own style using pencil, biro, ink etc. As myself, I do not feel as comfortable drawing with such mediums in these styles. 

Another task I didn't enjoy entirely was a group discussion with my group in order to get to know each other and be able to publicly discuss our opinions and ideas. I positively believe that these tasks are successful and important to under go for students to develop as designers/ artists and build our confidence for the future. And although I don't feel comfortable and lack confidence in this area, I am going to try my hardest to involve myself in these discussions to share my views in order to allow myself to develop and grow as a confident designer and business woman.

In my experience I have come to realise that I much prefer fashion designing and construction more than textile designing and production, which is why I was surprised that I thoroughly enjoyed this task of creating and collaging observational, repetitive patterns which we developed into textile prints. I also loved incorporating these prints into my own illustrations and flats which could be developed further for my end of year project/grade.


My favourite task so far was researching one of the themes from the Past Modern brief which was 'High and Low' described as "Deep history meeting contemporary design." I really enjoyed this task as the theme I felt really reflected my style as a whole which made it incredibly easy for me to work hard and put my all into the research. 


My favourite task the past 2 weeks is now my first lesson to Fashion Construction, involving seam and hemming sampling with different fabrics, stitches and techniques. I've always enjoyed and found using a sewing machine therapeutic as it's become extremely naturally to me. These are some of the samples I created using open seams, French seams etc.

I have really enjoyed my start of University so far and am looking forward to continuing and developing my studies and style throughout the rest of the course.

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