Monday 21 March 2016

Developmental research presentation - Fashion consumerism and the effects it has on the world culturally, socially and environmentally.

As a nervous public speaker, prior to the presentation I was nervous to present my work and speak publicly about my work and my philosophy. As much as I would have loved to talk freely without any notes or cue cards I would never have remembered what I had intended to say and feel like I would have struggled and effected my grade without them. However in the future I aim to be more prepared and practice my public speaking in order to get across my information easier and without having to look at cue cards to remind myself. 

I felt that my presentation went well and I was able to speak freely to a certain extent by reminding myself every now and then with the cue cards I had made. With a history of stuttering and mispronunciation I am always nervous to speak in front of a group, but my group was patient and I feel I managed to express myself successfully without these issues getting in the way. 

After everyone had completed their presentations we had a quick discussion on how we think they went and what we could have done to improve. Our lecturer, Gill, also announced that everyone in my group had passed (including me) which pleased all of us, everyone in my group was amazing. 

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