Friday 1 April 2016

Essay synopsis feedback

I found my synopsis feedback extremely insightful and think it has definitely helped me understand the necessary structure and information. By reading through other's (anonymous) essay synopsis' it was evident that everyone has their own style of writing and own patterned structures, this gave me an idea on whether what was a successful example and what wasn't. I was able to almost compare, not the content of mine and the other synopsis's but the structure and detail.

When looking back on my own synopsis after this seminar and reading through the feedback from my lecturer, I realised that I almost tried to create a miniature version of my essay in my synopsis and tried to pack too much information into a small space. I set my synopsis out in paragraphs with a brief detail into myself and studies then carried on to talk about what I aim to discuss in my essay. Looking back I realise that I was potentially over thinking the essay synopsis too much when in reality I should have focused more on the essay its self and created an plan in the synopsis of what I aim to cover and discuss in my essay.

I previously wasn't aware that the synopsis could be made up of bullet points as well or instead of paragraphs, having known this beforehand I probably would have been able to set out to plan my essay better in bullet points and subheadings with shorter paragraphs. I think this would have made myself feel more prepared for the essay ahead.

Whilst reading through others well planned and detailed synopsis's, I came to the conclusion that many of them were about quality and detail compared to quantity, whereas I tried to pack a lot of quantity and information into mine which may have derailed the structure and made my writing come across weaker than intended. In the future I will now scale my ideas down and discuss two to three subjects in depth rather than touching on more topics in little detail.

I will need to make sure that this doesn't happen in my essay and plan to look at four key points in depth rather than lightly touching on more subjects. I plan to set my essay out with an intro, four topics and my conclusion.

  • Intro
  • Consumerism
  • Fast Fashion
  • Environmental
  • Sustainability
  • Conclusion

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